
The library is open 24 hours a day, seven days a week and is accessed with your fob. As a college member you are entitled to borrow up to 12 items at a time for a period of four weeks and unreserved books can be renewed up to three times. To borrow books please either use click and collect or our self-issue terminal in the library (it is clearly sign posted and instructions are given). Returned books can be deposited in the returns cupboards in the college entrance or library reading room. To use click and collect sign into SOLO, find the book you need and select request, we will then retrieve the book for you and leave it in your pigeonhole. Alternatively, you can email the library with any such requests, and we will facilitate this for you. There are printing and scanning facilities in the library and Wi-Fi access via Eduroam.
Should you wish for us to purchase books for your study purposes (both print and e-resources) you can contact us at
Please note the library is a space for silent study, no eating is permitted, and liquids need to be kept in a sealed bottle. Non St Cross College members can visit the library by prior appointment only. To arrange a visit contact us at
A monthly list of new books and our lists on welfare, study skills and equality and diversity resources can be found below. We also display our newly acquired books alongside themed displays in the reading room.
- See our list of new books
- See our list of welfare and study skills books
- See our list of books on diversity and equality
- See this month's display - International Women's Day
New to St Cross? Find out more about our Library facilities with this handy video tour:
All our books are classified using the Dewey Decimal classification scheme and all of our books and eResources are catalogued on SOLO (Oxford University’s library catalogue). Information on using SOLO and accessing the resources available for you is outlined in this helpful Bodleian lib guide
A more detailed overview of how to make the most of your Solo account, including how to renew your books, place holds, export citations and save searches can be found here.
In 2017 the College received a complete set of first editions of every book published by the James Currey imprint, a fantastic collection composed mainly of literature on African history and politics. James Currey has been called "The Godfather of African Literature", whose publishing house is responsible for producing a vast amount of academic books, journals, and other literature about Africa. We are very grateful to Wendy James and Douglas Johnson for helping us to secure this collection at St Cross, and to the publishers Boydell and Brewer, who have agreed to provide the St Cross library with every new first edition for at least the next 10 years. This is an exceptional resource which we hope will prove useful to all St Cross members for years to come. Please contact the Librarian Philippa Taney if you would like to access books from the collection, which is housed in the Douglas & Catherine Wigdor Room (opposite the Library).

Please note that although we do hold an alumni and member book collection, we do not hold the theses or dissertations of any St Cross members, including alumni. Please consult the University's research archive.
As well as housing a collection of printed books we also have a significant number of online resources on SOLO which you will need your Single Sign On (SSO) to access. More details about Oxford University wide online resources can be found here
For more information on how to search for and use eBooks please consult this guide
You can also search up to date lists of databases available as well as accessing subject and research guides
For consultation of theses, please use Oxford University Research Archive (ORA) and for information on your Oxford Reading Lists Online please see ORLO
To keep up with workshops, classes, videos and handouts the Bodleian has put together take a look at their
iSkills schedule
St Cross members enjoy access to the Library at Pusey House, which is open Monday - Friday, 09:30 - 17:25.
The library is one of the largest 19th-century theology libraries in Oxford and holds a collection of international importance of materials relating to the Oxford Movement and Anglo-Catholicism. Other strengths of the collection include: Anglican History; Patristics; Liturgy; Doctrinal Theology. The archive contains extensive material on the Tractarians and the Oxford Movement; Anglo-Catholic Societies; Anglican Religious Orders; and notable Anglo-Catholic individuals.
For further information about Pusey Library, you can watch the induction video and visit the Pusey website.
Jessica Woodward, the Pusey Librarian, can be contacted at
We have been fortunate to have been gifted a set of Law Reports published by the Incorporated Council of Law Reporting (ICLR), Chancery Lane for the years 1865 to 2015. The ICLR reports have been the most authoritative (or 'best report') source for cases in the UK since 1865 (for the hierarchy of case reports, see These reports are housed in the Van Heyningen room and can be consulted by contacting